What is Solar Offset?

Is a PPA the Right Option for Your Family?Is a PPA the Right Option for Your Family?Last edited Feb. 5th, 2024With all the financing options available right now,

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Permitting – How to Boost Your Solar Project

Permitting - How to Boost Your Solar ProjectPermitting - How to Boost Your Solar ProjectLast edited Feb 15th, 2024Same day permitting is becoming more common across the country

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Can I Charge Tenants for Solar?

Can I Charge Tenants for Solar?Can I Charge Tenants for Solar?Last edited Feb 15th, 2024Investing in residential solar panels for your rental property is a great way to

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How Much Does Your Energy Cost You?

How Much Does Your Energy Cost You?How Much Does Your Energy Cost You?And where does your power come from?And where does your power come from?Last edited May 10th,

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What is a Kilowatt?

What is a Kilowatt?What is a Kilowatt?Last edited May 10th, 2022What are Kilowatts and Kilowatt-Hours?It's often difficult to appreciate the true value of a residential solar system without

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From Solar Power to Elecricity in Your Home

From Solar Power to Elecricity in Your HomeFrom Solar Power to Elecricity in Your HomeLast edited May 10th, 2022After your home panel design is approved, permits are filed,

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What is a Power Purchase Agreement or PPA and is it the Right Option for You

Is a PPA the Right Option for Your Family?Is a PPA the Right Option for Your Family?Last edited Feb. 5th, 2024With all the financing options available right now,

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Solar Financing 101

Solar Financing 101Solar Financing 101The math makes sense with LumioLast edited Mar. 27th, 2024The math makes sense when you switch to solar with Lumio. But what options are

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System Maintenance

Maintaining Your Solar PanelsMaintaining Your Solar PanelsIt’s much easier than you think.Last edited Aug. 25th, 2023Big decisions are called big for a reason—they're important! You know what's a

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7 Thing You Need to Know About the Solar Tax Credit

7 Things You Need to Know About the Solar Tax CreditLast edited Jan. 19th, 2024*Tax credits may not apply in every situation, or value could vary. Consult your

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