
Why Now?

Home with solar panels on the roof.

Residential solar has been around for 70+ years and has been marketed as a cheaper, greener alternative to traditional energy for about as long. You’ve seen the information, know the benefits, and maybe have even had a solar company give you a quote. So why are you choosing to switch to solar today?

Maybe you:

  • are ready to start seeing actual savings each month
  • want to take advantage of the value of owning your own power
  • recognize that the Investment Tax Credit (ITC) has a limited lifespan and taking advantage of it sooner than later will give you a greater ROI on your panels
  • understand the increasing need to lower your carbon footprint for a better tomorrow
  • are sick of the rate hikes and fees that never end with your utility company

No matter what your reason is switching to solar today, Lumio is here to help>>>>link to contact us form

Find the empowerment that comes from making power personal and peace of mind from knowing you’re creating a better future.

Picture of page author Alex Kelleher.


Alex kelleher

Public Relations Associate

Alex is a recent BYU grad with a degree in communications with a public relations emphasis. Alex is an average pickleball player and water skier and enjoys spending her time in the sun.